Price AI Mobile

Identify Opportunities And Risks In Price Increases

Raising prices is risky business. Recent inflationary pressures are pushing all major fashion retailers to raise retail prices. Without a detailed understanding of impacts, there is great risk of damaging revenue and long-term profitability. Price.AI harnesses the latest technologies in price optimization to help you understand the implications of your price decisions. You will be able to build different business scenarios and test underlying assumptions about your customer’s willingness to pay.

Supports multiple brands with different pricing strategies

Built-in sales forecasting

Omnichannel scenario planning

Solution tailored to your existing people, process, and tech stack

Focus on margin expansion over the long-term

Maximize revenue while protecting your bottom line

Harness a deep understanding of price-volume trade-offs

Identify Opportunities For Price Increase While Mitigating Risks

Understand how customers will respond to different prices and the impact on store performance, sales volume, and inventory throughout the lifecycle of any SKU. Automatically determine prices to optimize sales, optimize margins, and avoid surplus inventory that leads to markdown.

Learn how Lynx's Price AI enabled global denim fashion retailer to strategically raise price by 10% while mitigating rising cost and managing demand

